
“With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?” 
― Oscar Wilde

Legend  - Marie Lu

A good book makes you forget time and place, takes you into another world and makes you a part of it! A great book makes you want to stay there for as long as possible and it makes you feel sad when you finally have to leave! Legend was one of those books for me!
You know, the ones you find every now and then that you have to make yourself put it down for a while... :D

This book has some pretty amazing characters!!!! (LOVED DAY AND JUNE!!! ;)) And the story is constantly evolving without getting even a little tiring! 

I will definitely keep reading on this series! I can't wait to see what happens next! :D

RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Spirit - Brigid Kemmerer

These books are quite good! I had forgotten how addictive they can be since it has been a while since I read Gabriel's story. I can't say I liked this one as much as I did the others, but that's mainly because of Hunter and had nothing to do with the writing or the story itself.

I feel like this book gave some insight into the mess that is Hunter's head and I am more amenable to him now so points for that. I gave three stars mainly because I'm pissed with the depressing ending though!!! I couldn't believe it even as I was reading it! I can appreciate a good twist, but it doesn't mean I have to like it when it doesn't make me happy. :P

I'm a happy ending kind of girl so this just threw me off. I'll definitely be reading more on this series, but it 'd better not become a pattern!

Discount Armageddon - Seanan McGuire

 Dave snorted. "If your family's conservative, I'm the Easter Bunny."
All desire to make light of the situation fled. "Don't ever joke about that," I said in a voice that had gone completely flat. "The Easter Bunny's no laughing matter."

So you get the idea! :D
Name a weird creature you 've heard of in books, movies or your mythology class and you'll probably meet it here at some point! And of course some new creatures you've never heard of before. Got to love that!
I enjoyed most of the new species I discovered, but my favorite by far were the Aeslin mice! :D
Those little buggers were hilarious and the cutest things you can imagine! At least they are in my mind...

not exactly what I was going for, but it will do until you meet them yourselves.

"Today's celebration is held every eight years, to mark the union of the Noisy Priestess to the God of Things That It Is Almost Certainly Better Not To Be Aware Of."
"Oh, crap."..."You're celebrating Grandma and Grandpa getting together, aren't you?"
"HAIL!" confirmed the mice.

So the Aeslin mice are deeply religious and they have the most peculiar celebrations, feasts, etc. Every day is a holiday and they face each one with equal enthusiasm. The Priestess is a Price woman they live with and they worship her! They are adorable, but they can drive you mad with their constant enthusiasm and cheering.

Pulling back with a gasp, I looked into Dominic's eyes, seeing my own thin control reflected there, and gasped, "You just walked in on the Holy Feast of I Swear Daddy I'll Kiss the Next Man That Walks Through That Door. It was the only way to make them stop."
He blinked.
"Your apartment is full of talking rodents", he said like this was going to be a surprise to me.
"Yes," I said.
"Your apartment is full of talking rodents and you just kissed me again."

And that's Dominic. Dominic is member of the Covenant and he came to NY to evaluate the situation and give the Go to begin the purge. Now you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but still you're smart people. You'll put it together. :)
I like Dominic. He speaks the way gentlemen do in old books and he can be shocked with things that are ordinary to the desensitized average eye. He has a sense of innocence that is unusual for a trained killer. Anyway, I love watching them banter and the fighting scenes are really good and not over the top unrealistic. Well as far as fighting vicious lizard-men can be called realistic...

But I haven't said a thing yet about Very. Well, I loved her! :D
Free running over rooftops has started to seem like a normal way of transport now. I love the fact that she is a dancer, because I can imagine her posture and flow in movements in a fight. She doesn't shy away from danger and she defends the people she cares about to the end. She is incredibly resourceful and she can make a weapon out of virtually anything.

Besides, if I died, I could be the first person in thirty years to figure out whether Grandpa Thomas is alive or not."

Interesting way to view your own demise, right? Whatever, that's Verity for you. SHe doesn't freak out easily and she always finds something to lighten up a situation.

Recommended for people who enjoy PR and lots of action! I loved this book and I hope you will too!

Spirit (Elemental)

Spirit - Brigid Kemmerer These books are quite good! I had forgotten how addictive they can be since it has been a while since I read Gabriel's story. I can't say I liked this one as much as I did the others, but that's mainly because of Hunter and had nothing to do with the writing or the story itself.
I feel like this book gave some insight into the mess that is Hunter's head and I am more amenable to him now so points for that. I gave three stars mainly because I'm pissed with the depressing ending though!!! I couldn't believe it even as I was reading it! I can appreciate a good twist, but it doesn't mean I have to like it when it doesn't make me happy. :P
I'm a happy ending kind of girl so this just threw me off. I'll definitely be reading more on this series, but it 'd better not become a pattern!

Crazy good!

Night Blade - J.C. Daniels

ok so I just managed to get myself under control once again and I had to write this now before I forgot the feeling!
Saying I enjoyed this would be putting it mildly! I couldn't put this down!
I sort of expected going into this that it wouldn't be able to match the first book, but boy i ll be damned if this wasn't even better. I am seriously in love with this world! Great characters! Kit is one of the best female characters I ve read about in a while! I think I must have been crying for her for the better part of the last half of this book! Poor thing didn't deserve to have such bad luck and such a potent crazy magnet! Seriously the girl attracts sadists like honey does bees.
Kit is a lot like Kat Daniels but with way more baggage! And I don't think Curran would react the way Damon did with that little cause. He majorly overreacted! Still one of the best books I've read in a while!
The writing is great and the story doesn't let you even think of getting bored! Always a big plus in my book!
Couldn't finish without even mentioning Doyle though! The kid is about to become one of my favorites I think! I have high hopes for him and something tells me he's on his way to becoming a badass!

Seriously now though, if you haven't read this yet, READ THIS!!!!

Night Blade (Colbana Files) (Volume 2)

Night Blade - J.C. Daniels ok so I just managed to get myself under control once again and I had to write this now before I forgot the feeling!
Saying I enjoyed this would be putting it mildly! I couldn't put this down!
I sort of expected going into this that it wouldn't be able to match the first book, but boy i ll be damned if this wasn't even better. I am seriously in love with this world! Great characters! Kit is one of the best female characters I ve read about in a while! I think I must have been crying for her for the better part of the last half of this book! Poor thing didn't deserve to have such bad luck and such a potent crazy magnet! Seriously the girl attracts sadists like honey does bees.
Kit is a lot like Kat Daniels but with way more baggage! And I don't think Curran would react the way Damon did with that little cause. He majorly overreacted! Still one of the best books I've read in a while!
The writing is great and the story doesn't let you even think of getting bored! Always a big plus in my book!
Couldn't finish without even mentioning Doyle though! The kid is about to become one of my favorites I think! I have high hopes for him and something tells me he's on his way to becoming a badass!

Seriously now though, if you haven't read this yet, READ THIS!!!!
Iron Crowned  - Richelle Mead

That son of a b***h!!!! That's what I said as soon as i finished the book! I never really liked him but what he tried to do takes the word 'ass' to a complete new level... What the heck??? 
Sorry I know i am rambling but i just haven't come to terms yet with what Kyio did!!

Ok the series definitely have started to get more interesting and I liked this book just as much as the second one, if not more!!! The next book definitely holds promise and I 'm waiting to see what happens next!

Mead has a way of finishing her books that always leaves you with a big question mark. I just hope she 'll come up with a nice outcome for Eugenie (hopefully one that involves Dorian-IMO-and if something nasty happened to Kiyo I can't say I would really mind...Maiwenn too preferably!)!:)

Angelfall  - Susan Ee

After reading the hunger games series and divergent I have developed a soft spot for the dystopian genre!

This book is set in a world after an apocalypse. Angels roam the earth killing people and humans live in fear eating whatever they find and sleeping wherever they can. Penryn is trying to move from her current hiding place with her mother and and her sister who's in a wheelchair when they stumble upon a angel fight. After that things begin to go downhill for Penryn and fast! Her mother has run off, her sister is abducted by an angel and her only chance of finding her again is the dying angel at her feet. 

This book packed a strong dose of action, characters you can't help connecting with and the chance to glimpse at a world no one would ever want to be a part of and angels are anything but angelic!

I can't wait for the next book! :)

PS: [ Raffe had better make an appearance before the first quarter of the next book! The end was waaaay too sad for me to wait longer than that! Oh and he had better get back his real wings ! If he's gonna have wings at least let them be his not the daemon ones!

Crimson Frost - Jennifer Estep

A big thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing Corp. for letting me review this book!


Once again I was sucked into Mythos's world! Reapers, warrior-wiz kids and lots of crazy twists and turns!
I won't get into extreme detail about the action scenes or the drama, but just know they came to the party once again! In spades! Most of you have probably already read the first chapter so I'll feel free to talk about it without fear of exposing any huuuge spoilers. If you haven't go do that and come back later! ;) 

So Crimson Frost opens at the local coffee shop where Logan and Gwen have just gone on their first date. Of course this wouldn't be a Mythos Academy book if everything didn't go south in less than 5 pages! Three members of the Protectorate come in and arrest Gwen for freeing Loki and conspiring with Reapers. From that point forward things go all kinds of crazy all around!

This is by far the worst situation Gwen has been thrown in so far. There a bunch of new characters appearing for the first time and we finally meet the rest of the Quinn family! Now whatever you have in mind about them, forget it! 

I really like Oliver as a character! He is a really decent guy and I was soooo glad to see this opportunity to work things out for him! He was so hurt after everything with Kenzie and I'm glad to see him in a better place. 

In every book so far I have confessed I have a crush on Logan! Also in every book so far I have mentioned he did at least one silly move when it came to his relationship with Gwen. Now why did I think this would finally change here? Nope, it didn't! All was well until it wasn't. Still, as the story moves forward and I can see his motives from Gwen's point of view with help from her gift I can grudgingly understand him. Still, up to that point he was his usual charming self! :D

I also love the way Gwen has grown, as has every other character, into a more confident, independent, kick-ass version of herself! With Vic at her side she can now kick some Reaper's butt anytime! Gwen is a real, down-to-earth, strong and proud person. I love seeing her strength in moments of crises and she didn't disappoint me yet again. 

I've said before that Estep doesn't leave huge cliffhangers at the end of her books, but she kills the reader with her teasing first chapter from the next installment in the series. This she decided to negate me. Not that the first chapter wasn't frustratingly teasing, but the end of Crimson Frost left me aching for the next book as well! 

There series where the books seem to drag on as they progress and the plot becomes stiff and tiring. In those books 500 pages feel neverending. Here I opened the book and when I raised my head from its pages 7 hours later it was over. And I wanted more! These books have that rare addictive quality to be read effortlessly in one go! It's one of the reasons I love them so much! 

I really can't wait for Midnight Frost and I'll keep rechecking obsessively the release date. (Even though I know perfectly well when it is! :P) I'm not sure, but I think that'll be the last book...?? Feel free to correct me! I want more anyway! ;D

Sneak Peak : "The pain eploded in my chest even greater than before. I tried to open my mouth to say his name, but nothing came out, not even a whimper of hurt. My legs buckled, and I had one last thought before everything went dark.
Logan Quinn had killed me.

And now please feel free to freak out and don't leave me by my lonesome in freaking-out-land! :D
Lol! I am officialy a lost cause! :P

Seraphina - Rachel Hartman

4.5 (it's not 5 because of the small part in the beginning where I found the narration of memories and thoughts to be a bit boring, but after that it was amazing!)

What makes a character a favorite among others? Is it her spirit? Her courage? Wit,beliefs,passion, talent or misfortunes? Maybe it's all those,but to make the mix complete the character must have flaws. Nothing perfect can ever be relatable and truly loved. Our favorite characters are always in trouble and never ever perfect!
Seraphina isn't perfect. Her life so far has been built on lies upon lies. She doesn't fit with the humans and she doesn't fit with the dragons. Her very existence is against multiple laws, so her father decided to try and cover up her mothers true identity in an effort to avoid consequences. But Seraphina grew up to be a strong, smart, independent woman with an incredible talent for music and an amazing heart to go with it.
I didn't stop being amazed at how well she handled difficult situations. Yes she hesitated and she did lie on many occasions but when push came to shove she didn't fear owning up to her actions and she made me feel a strange sense of pride that never fails to move me. As the book progressed I found myself sucked into the story, connecting with Seraphina all the more and rooting for or being frustrated with her decisions. That sense of commitment with the characters is what I always look for in a book and that it is rare to find makes it all the more precious.
Seraphina is certainly among my favorite characters at the moment. She made me feel with her what she felt, think with her and led me on a journey in an amazing world where dragons and humans live close with a treaty threatening to fall apart between them.

As far as the other characters go:
I never expected to like princess Glisselda at first, but she grew to be a very interesting person and a promising leader and open hearted friend. 

Ok who can honestly say they didn't see where the thing was going with prince Lance? No one! It was obvious and yet seeing the two stambling around each other, self conscious and awkward, was strangely aggravating in a good way. I don't know whether I like where they left things, but I can appreciate it and I wouldn't think as highly as I do of either of them if they acted otherwise!

Omra was always cracking me up. He might be a stern old man, but his love for Seraphina and his begrudgingly human undercurrent made him adorable!

The dragons in general were vastly intriguing! I loved how they took human form and I appreciated how carefully the author painted their picture and weaknesses in each form. Especially the king.

All the characters in phina's garden where something to see, but I can't wait for joucinda to make an appearance! Things will definitely not go smoothly then. My favorite must be Abdo! The little acrobat had me rooting for him from the get go! :D

So to sum this review up. This book leaves the world in a state of unrest. Things are shifting, new alliances are forming and people are called to pick a side. Anyone could be a traitor and as this book proved you never know where the danger lies. Seraphina was a beautifully written book, with characters with depth and complete personalities and a world with amazing structure and complexity!

I recommend this book to everyone, but if you particularly like to explore new unexpected worlds with creatures you've never met before, complex characters, duplicity, politics, mystery,romance and drama, well then you should definitely pick Seraphina right up!

Poison Princess - Kresley Cole

Ok so I'm officially in love with this book! *sigh*
It's like hunger games with super powers and hot guys running around. And zombies! :D

I don't know what to say really and that's rare... The characters were awesome and the writing great! I loved the back and forth between present and past and even if it was confusing at first I loved it later. Evangeline was a good narrator, but I wish we saw more of her kickass side earlier and less cowering behind Jackson's back all the time. Matthew is adorable. The way he dodges questions and makes a conversation go in circles is amazing. Finn is fun and he brings some levity to the party (I'm dying to know what happened when Selena realized what happened there... ;)) Selena is the one the jury is still out on. 

I sincerely hope that evie will keep her newfound backbone in the future! She can kick some major butt if she sets her mind to it. 
I neeeed the next book!!!

Scarlet - Marissa Meyer

I'm on a roll!!!! Seriously this is the second amazing book I've finished in the last 24 hours!
It was really amazing though! :D
I don't even know which character I love more anymore! The multiple points of view give you the opportunity to see how everyone looks at the situation. You can connect better with everyone and there are no major leads anymore for me! Everyone is equally important and I would be equally pissed if anything were to happen to any of them! (So it had better not happen!)

The people you already know from Cinder keep taking up a big part of the book, but we see less of Kai here and there are quite a few new people coming to join Cinder in her endeavors! 

First of all Scarlet. Not at all what I had imagined, but still her jumping onto the tavern counter to yell at the people for being cruel and jerks as well as the picture of her pointing a shotgun at Wolf had me rooting for her pretty early on! 

Wolf was simply adorable! Well if you put aside for a bit the fact that he got a little crazy psycho killer sometimes, but who cares about the details? :D He totally had me guessing the entire time! He had this amazed look about most of the new things he saw, like a kid discovering chocolates or a new cool toy! It's amazing how she manages to make him look so innocent one moment and so out of control murderous the next. Good job Ms Meyer! You have given me another character to love! :D
(I'm not completely bongus just so you know! But if you see him when he's not on an out of his mind killing mode you'll love him too!)

Last but not least, I have to say I was torn at first about Thorne. He looked like a bit of a simpleton at first, but then he grew on me and I have to say that he was good for Cinder's mood and he lightened up the book majorly! :D Haven't figured out if he's supposed to be a fairytale character though. And if yes then which one?

One of my favorite quotes between him and Cinder is this:
(Cinder feels guilty for glamouring people and Thorne trying to encourage her! Hilarious!)
"You might be a crazy Lunar, but you're not evil . As long as you're using your glamour to help people, and more important, to help me , then there's nothing to feel guilty about." He stopped to check his hair in the dirty window of a show store while Cinder gawked after him.
"I hope that wasn't your idea of a pep talk."

Another amazing book!
Thank you Ms Meyer! I just wish it wouldn't take soooooo long for the next book to come out!

Unravel Me

Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi

I am speechless!
Job excellently done!!! Thumbs up! ... Fill in the blanks with more enthusiastic ravings. I am hyper-excited at the moment!

If someone came up to me two days ago and told me that by the end of tonight I d be parading as a fungirl for Warner I'd say they're weird and he's a sociopath. So as you can probably imagine I was completely taken aback by how much I enjoyed him in this book. I found myself switching teams before even reaching the middle of the book while struggling along with Julliette to remember all the reasons I ve repeatedly called him a sociopath without any regrets. I don't know if I can pinpoint the exact moment I changed my mind, but now I don't even think of poor Adam more than fleetingly.

And believe me I tried. I reread Shatter Me to get why I loved him before again, but even though I found it briefly as soon as I returned to Unravel Me he started fading once more into the background. He is vanilla sweet when Warner is rich chocolate, bittersweet and intriguing. You never now how the next bite will hit your pallet. If that isn't a 180 I don't know what is. Team Warner all the way here! Please don't make me switch sides again! It's honestly agonizing and if this goes the way I hope Warner will soon have his very own spot among my favorite book boyfriends!

But not to leave all the other incredible characters unmentioned. It would be ungrateful.
Kenzi: well what is there to say more really? He is a pleasure to have around and one of those people you want to be your friend after spending two minutes with them. He is kind, funny, sweet and as much as he likes to instigate drama he is very much uncomfortable when he is caught in the tension that follows. I don't think I could get tired of him, ever.

James: was from the get go one of my favorites. He is the sweetest kid and so smart. He has so much energy and such a good heart he just makes me smile with his innocence and purity. It's incredible watching him grow alongside the others and I sincerely hope he won't be mad with Juliette if she doesn't pick Adam in the end.

Anderson: someone should shoot that evil SOB! It's not enough for him to destroy his family he has to go destroy the world too. They should heal him just to shoot him again! And now my blood pressure is up, Great! :P

Castle: has a kind heart and he wants the best for the people he has taken under his wing, but he doesn't turn a blind eye to what's happening to others either. He helps anyone he can however he can and he is willing to give second chances even to his enemy. A man with that kind of heart and values should be a great leader of people, but I have to agree with Warner unfortunately and say that he can never keep everyone happy and that he either has to adapt and learn to set some firm rules and consequences or his people ,while their numbers rise, will stop cooperating and he will lose control of the situation with possibly dire consequences. 

And I will stop rumbling now and leave you good people in peace. 
I loved this book and it will be suffering waiting sooooooo long for the next book!
2014 is too far away!


Blade Song - J.C. Daniels

If you liked Kate Daniels you're gonna like this one. ;D
It didn't take much to grasp my attention, all it took was reaching the second chapter.
Kit is a badass descendant of a race of super assassins or something, but they've shunned her because she's half human. She is a great character and I enjoyed reading about her. 
At first I felt there were too many details thrown my way, that were not necessary, but it ebbed after the first few chapters and I could enjoy everything thoroughly after that.
The glimpses into Kit's past were very well written and introduced into the story sporadically, which made me want more and more to know her better. 
There were plenty of sparks flying around which is always a plus in my book. :D
Damon after a few screw ups along the way, finally stopped being a douche and things got increasingly hotter. I just felt a bit put off by how fast they went from ignoring everything to a fully committed relationship. Slower is sometimes better, but I'm not complaining. 
I'm super glad Queen Bitch got bagged and I hope she gets some quality company soon when Jude goes to join her.

Blade Song

Blade Song - J.C. Daniels

Awesome book! If you liked the Kate Daniels series you are gonna enjoy this.

There is plenty of action and a pair of great main characters.

Recommended for a good time!

Blade Song (Colbana Files)

Blade Song - J.C. Daniels If you liked Kate Daniels you're gonna like this one. ;D
It didn't take much to grasp my attention, all it took was reaching the second chapter.
Kit is a badass descendant of a race of super assassins or something, but they've shunned her because she's half human. She is a great character and I enjoyed reading about her.
At first I felt there were too many details thrown my way, that were not necessary, but it ebbed after the first few chapters and I could enjoy everything thoroughly after that.
The glimpses into Kit's past were very well written and introduced into the story sporadically, which made me want more and more to know her better.
There were plenty of sparks flying around which is always a plus in my book. :D
Damon after a few screw ups along the way, finally stopped being a douche and things got increasingly hotter. I just felt a bit put off by how fast they went from ignoring everything to a fully committed relationship. Slower is sometimes better, but I'm not complaining.
I'm super glad Queen Bitch got bagged and I hope she gets some quality company soon when Jude goes to join her.