Dave snorted. "If your family's conservative, I'm the Easter Bunny."
All desire to make light of the situation fled. "Don't ever joke about that," I said in a voice that had gone completely flat. "The Easter Bunny's no laughing matter."
So you get the idea! :D
Name a weird creature you 've heard of in books, movies or your mythology class and you'll probably meet it here at some point! And of course some new creatures you've never heard of before. Got to love that!
I enjoyed most of the new species I discovered, but my favorite by far were the Aeslin mice! :D
Those little buggers were hilarious and the cutest things you can imagine! At least they are in my mind...

not exactly what I was going for, but it will do until you meet them yourselves.

"Today's celebration is held every eight years, to mark the union of the Noisy Priestess to the God of Things That It Is Almost Certainly Better Not To Be Aware Of."
"Oh, crap."..."You're celebrating Grandma and Grandpa getting together, aren't you?"
"HAIL!" confirmed the mice.
So the Aeslin mice are deeply religious and they have the most peculiar celebrations, feasts, etc. Every day is a holiday and they face each one with equal enthusiasm. The Priestess is a Price woman they live with and they worship her! They are adorable, but they can drive you mad with their constant enthusiasm and cheering.
Pulling back with a gasp, I looked into Dominic's eyes, seeing my own thin control reflected there, and gasped, "You just walked in on the Holy Feast of I Swear Daddy I'll Kiss the Next Man That Walks Through That Door. It was the only way to make them stop."
He blinked.
"Your apartment is full of talking rodents", he said like this was going to be a surprise to me.
"Yes," I said.
"Your apartment is full of talking rodents and you just kissed me again."
And that's Dominic. Dominic is member of the Covenant and he came to NY to evaluate the situation and give the Go to begin the purge. Now you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but still you're smart people. You'll put it together. :)
I like Dominic. He speaks the way gentlemen do in old books and he can be shocked with things that are ordinary to the desensitized average eye. He has a sense of innocence that is unusual for a trained killer. Anyway, I love watching them banter and the fighting scenes are really good and not over the top unrealistic. Well as far as fighting vicious lizard-men can be called realistic...
But I haven't said a thing yet about Very. Well, I loved her! :D
Free running over rooftops has started to seem like a normal way of transport now. I love the fact that she is a dancer, because I can imagine her posture and flow in movements in a fight. She doesn't shy away from danger and she defends the people she cares about to the end. She is incredibly resourceful and she can make a weapon out of virtually anything.
Besides, if I died, I could be the first person in thirty years to figure out whether Grandpa Thomas is alive or not."
Interesting way to view your own demise, right? Whatever, that's Verity for you. SHe doesn't freak out easily and she always finds something to lighten up a situation.
Recommended for people who enjoy PR and lots of action! I loved this book and I hope you will too!