
“With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?” 
― Oscar Wilde

Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2)

Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2) - Kresley Cole Loved it! Review to come soon!

The Transfer: A Divergent Story

Four: The Transfer: A Divergent Story - Veronica Roth I want more Tobias! :(
His dad needs killing. I can't believe he actually has the nerve to try and play the wronged one in their relationship.
I hope there is a short in the future where he kicks max's butt! That dude is seriously psychotic.

Poison Princess (Arcana Chronicles, Book 1)

Poison Princess - Kresley Cole

Ok so I'm officially in love with this book! *sigh*
It's like hunger games with super powers and hot guys running around. And zombies! :D

I don't know what to say really and that's rare... The characters were awesome and the writing great! I loved the back and forth between present and past and even if it was confusing at first I loved it later. Evangeline was a good narrator, but I wish we saw more of her kickass side earlier and less cowering behind Jackson's back all the time. Matthew is adorable. The way he dodges questions and makes a conversation go in circles is amazing. Finn is fun and he brings some levity to the party (I'm dying to know what happened when Selena realized what happened there... ;)) Selena is the one the jury is still out on.

I sincerely hope that evie will keep her newfound backbone in the future! She can kick some major butt if she sets her mind to it.
I neeeed the next book!!!

Ashleigh girl you are a rock star! :D

Vengeance Borne (Sentry of Evil)

Vengeance Borne - Amanda Bonilla 3.5 stars. I'll make it 4 though because it was a first book and it left me wanting more.
Ok let's go straight to the point. Jax was a good character and I liked her resolve and sarcasm, but I wish there was more butt-kicking of the bad guys and that she wouldn't blame herself for everything that went wrong, but I guess that's why she has Micah... Now Micah after a while became an optimistic glass half full kind of guy which made me very happy since I'm not really one to root for self medicating and self destructive people. I liked the chemistry between the two and I was entirely satisfied with the way their relationship progressed. Unlike other book characters they didn't immediately forget everything and everyone else as soon as they led eyes on each other. They thought things through and even though sparks were flying all over the place they kept their head in the game (as much as possible) and they didn't make moon eyes at each other over the piling bodies. I like it when the characters don't immediately hook up, it gives you something to look forward to and it makes for good tension which is always a good thing.
I really liked Trish! :D the mafia grandma must have been a hell of an old lady! I loved how she bossed everyone around and put everyone in their place while being able to kick their butts at any given time. She was a badass. :D
Finn was just annoying for the most part but now I kinda feel sorry for him.
The plot was not exactly surprising, but if Jax gets more powered-up in the next book and Micah learns how to kick some butt as well I'll be happy.

Greta and the Goblin King

Greta and the Goblin King - Chloe Jacobs Surprisingly better than i expected. The romance with the exception of a couple of moments wasn't swoon worthy, but the fighting scenes were cool and I liked Greta. This slightly dysfunctional kickass heroine is what got me out of my reading funk. So points for that and of course for originality cause I've never read something like this and I love new worlds and universes.

Biting Bad: A Chicagoland Vampires Novel

Biting Bad - Chloe Neill Well, no one can say that Chicago is a boring city after reading this series. :)
Things might not have been as crazy as usual in cadogan house, but it still kept the blood pumping. I liked how this book didn't throw more hurdles in meritt and Ethan's path relationship-wise and I loved the sweetness of this book (even cliches have their place and time).
Anyway, good read once again and I'm staying tuned for the next book. :)

Throne of Glass 2

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas Review to come!
Awesome book! Even if I was crying for the last 5 chapters...


Easy - Tammara Webber This will hopefully be a temporary review but with my attention span you never know... :P

I loved this book! Lucas was just too good to be true. And the writing pulled you in even if there weren't mind blowing twists or plot turns it kept you hooked.
It's an incredibly sweet book, with a relationship I am a bit jealous of and with very prominent the issue of rape and the importance of women being strong and taking steps to empower themselves. I liked how the book showed the consequences of not reporting an assault against someone and how much even almost being a victim of such a hideous act can alter a person and those around him/her.
This book pulled me out of my reading funk and got me reading again and I do recommend it! Not my usual cup of tea but its really well-written and I hope you'll enjoy it!

Leashing the Tempest

Leashing the Tempest - Jenn Bennett A good way to remind myself how much fun I always have with this series!
Now I can go read Binding the Shadows without having to get back into the story-line. :)
Oh Jupe, Jupe, Jupe. If he wants to remain the amazing kid he is today he needs to learn some self-control, but hopefully he got his lesson and he'll try to behave from now on.

Awesome short story, that somehow didn't feel like a short.


Tortured - Amanda McIntyre I might have not fallen in love with this book, but I enjoyed it.
So what if Sierra got a little slutty in the first part of the book? What if she slept or almost slept with half the male population? And why care that Dryston fell for every girl he saw? They made a fine couple after they met.
The writing was good and it had a nice flow, but I have not much more to say really.

The Eternity Cure

The Eternity Cure - Julie Kagawa I lost my review and I 'm really bummed about it so I 'm not in the mood to right another one. :P

The book was really good and if I could master up the same anxiety and doubt for every risky situation as I did for Jackal this would have a 5 stars rating. I loved the sarcastic big brother figure. It lightened up the mood often and it made me laugh on many many occasions.
Obviously I'll be reading more on this, I just hope Jackal doesn't turn into an ass and Julie Kagawa will pull a rabbit out of her hat and leave me speachless.

Spartan Frost (Mythos Academy)

Spartan Frost - Jennifer Estep When I first saw there would be a short from Logan's PoV after he left Mythos with his father to clear his head and work on gaining back his self-confidence and sanity, I hoped I would get to experience some crazy spartan adventure or at the very least get some more insight on the thoughts of one of my favorite male leads on paper. Well truth be told there wasn't much of either. Other than the last few chapters there wasn't much fighting going on, which is logical since the book was just a short, but I didn't get much on Logan's PoV about him and Gwen which is something I kind of hoped for...
I knew Oliver would stick out for Gwen and he does apparently. I love how he's trying to talk some sense into the stubborn Spartan even if he's not listening much these days.

Who wants to bet that Logan won't be seeing the inside of the New York Academy??

Anybody wandering by now if someone in Loki's camp has a special grudge on Nickamides? Once more the s**t hits the fan and of course everything goes down at the Library. Because where else in the entire school could the Rippers actually attack? Poor guy, he must be on the verge of a major breakdown by now.

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden)

The Immortal Rules - Julie Kagawa I really enjoyed this book! This is a darker story I honestly didn't expect from this author. I dare say I was very pleasantly surprised. Even though the descriptions went a bit into too much detail sometimes the story was quite interesting and I liked the characters. I hope the action in the next books continues and doesn't wane.

School Spirits (A Hex Hall Novel)

School Spirits - Rachel Hawkins I can't say that this book fulfilled my expectations completely, but it was a nice way to pass the time. After falling in love with Sophie's sarcastic humorous lines and her constant banter with Archer this left something to be desired. I liked learning more about the Branicks and Fin's disappearance added to the plot, but I hope the second book will have more ass kicking and less teenage-angst. Torin was a blast. If there was one reason to keep reading this series for me it's him. He intrigued me in Hex Hall and he was one of my favorite things about this book. The plot was kind of predictable, but since this isn't a mystery novel I won't complain.
Overall, it was neither bad nor mouth-dropping. Good enough characters with potential for improvement, I'll be reading the next installment and I hope it picks up the pace a little.


Obsession - Jennifer L. Armentrout This book was good enough to make me doubt what I thought I knew about this universe.
Arum are suddenly the , not good, but at least misunderstood guys, here for the rescue and Luxians are the arrogant, oppressors.
Plot-wise not the best romance I've read but pretty good nonetheless. It was sexy and I loved the back and forth banter between Hunter and Serena. There was some serious chemistry (or hormones) going on there. I loved the scenes where she was throwing things at him! :D
I was waiting to see if Daemon would appear, especially after Luc came into the picture! Poor Daemon he must be going out of his mind worrying. When Luc mentioned the favor to Hunter though I got a feeling that maybe the two will team up in the future via Luc. ;) That will be fun! I'm not sure which one would win if it came down to it, but they would definitely make for a good show! ;D