
“With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?” 
― Oscar Wilde

Undead and Unwed (Betsy Taylor Series #1)

Undead and Unwed (Betsy Taylor, #1) - MaryJanice Davidson, Nancy Wu Harmless fluff and mindless fun.
It's a book that goes down easy and doesn't require any thinking on your part so if that's what you're looking for pick it up. I mean there is a vampire queen named Betsy... What more do you need to know really?
I enjoyed it and I like how everyone keeps pointing out Betsy's vanity and her twisted priorities.

Undead and Unappreciated (Queen Betsy, Book 3)

Undead and Unappreciated - MaryJanice Davidson I love the sister. She totally kicked some undead butt here. I hope she doesn't turn all evil conqueror next.
Betsy was getting on my nerves here with all the self pity and silliness, but I got over it when I remembered that she's really not supposed to be the brightest bulb in the box, so I can't complain about it. And someone should really think of training her! She is always getting her butt kicked. What all powerful queen can't stand up for herself?

Undead and Unemployed

Undead and Unemployed - MaryJanice Davidson These books make for a pretty good read by the sea. It's a great way to kill time and I like the writing so far. The plot isn't anything intricate or sophisticated, but it's fun. Which is the word I'd use to describe these series in general. Fun. :D

Wicked as She Wants

Wicked as She Wants - Delilah S. Dawson I really like this world. There are all sorts of creatures around and everything is warped in a very different way. I love the way some words are different there and how some things are the same, while others don't never existed.
I loved the characters in this book and the only thing I minded a bit was how some parts of it seemed to extend more than needed giving too many details for my taste. Other than that it was great.

Anna was a feisty one and I liked the whole metamorphosis aspect of the story. She was sure of herself with not even a hint of self doubt and that's something I can admire.

I liked Casper more than I thought I would which is always a good thing. It bugged me at first how self destructive he seemed to be and how he wallowed in self pity for his bad luck. He made it look like he had this great love for Tish and she broke his heart, but for crying out loud he knew the girl for a couple of days and nothing even happened between them... She always favored Crim and he knew it so I don't get the whole abandonment issue, but I was glad when he got over it!

Keen I loved! She made me smile with how cunning and smart she was, while I couldn't help feeling bad for the circumstances that led to her being that way. Shes a great kid and I was very happy to see things working out for her.

If you like fantasy and crazy worlds you'll love this series! ;)

Scent of Magic (Healer, #2)

Scent of Magic (Healer, #2) - Maria V. Snyder I really really want to keep reading, but I have to pull the breaks 'cause I just saw that the next book is coming out Demember 2013... :(
I can't wait that long so I'll procrastinate and drag this out as long as I can. :P

Ok, so I finally gave in last night and finished this book.
I won't start gashing over how amazing the characters and the story was again, but they really were! ;)
I 've been in love with the work of this author ever since I read Storm Glass. After that I read everything she wrote and if you like this series, but haven't read her other works don't put it off much longer!
Maria V Snyder's talent for creating these fantastic new worlds full of magic, intrigue and action always leaves me wanting more.
Now I'll just have to wait until December... :P

Scent of Magic (Healer, #2)

Scent of Magic (Healer, #2) - Maria V. Snyder I really really want to keep reading, but I have to pull the breaks 'cause I just saw that the next book is coming out Demember 2013... :(
I can't wait that long so I'll procrastinate and drag this out as long as I can. :P

Ok, so I finally gave in last night and finished this book.
I won't start gashing over how amazing the characters and the story was again, but they really were! ;)
I 've been in love with the work of this author ever since I read Storm Glass. After that I read everything she wrote and if you like this series, but haven't read her other works don't put it off much longer!
Maria V Snyder's talent for creating these fantastic new worlds full of magic, intrigue and action always leaves me wanting more.
Now I'll just have to wait until December... :P

Unravel Me

Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi I am speechless!
Job excellently done!!! Thumbs up! ... Fill in the blanks with more enthusiastic ravings. I am hyper-excited at the moment!

If someone came up to me two days ago and told me that by the end of tonight I d be parading as a fungirl for Warner I'd say they're weird and he's a sociopath. So as you can probably imagine I was completely taken aback by how much I enjoyed him in this book. I found myself switching teams before even reaching the middle of the book while struggling along with Julliette to remember all the reasons I ve repeatedly called him a sociopath without any regrets. I don't know if I can pinpoint the exact moment I changed my mind, but now I don't even think of poor Adam more than fleetingly.

And believe me I tried. I reread Shatter Me to get why I loved him before again, but even though I found it briefly as soon as I returned to Unravel Me he started fading once more into the background. He is vanilla sweet when Warner is rich chocolate, bittersweet and intriguing. You never now how the next bite will hit your pallet. If that isn't a 180 I don't know what is. Team Warner all the way here! Please don't make me switch sides again! It's honestly agonizing and if this goes the way I hope Warner will soon have his very own spot among my favorite book boyfriends!

But not to leave all the other incredible characters unmentioned. It would be ungrateful.
Kenzi: well what is there to say more really? He is a pleasure to have around and one of those people you want to be your friend after spending two minutes with them. He is kind, funny, sweet and as much as he likes to instigate drama he is very much uncomfortable when he is caught in the tension that follows. I don't think I could get tired of him, ever.

James: was from the get go one of my favorites. He is the sweetest kid and so smart. He has so much energy and such a good heart he just makes me smile with his innocence and purity. It's incredible watching him grow alongside the others and I sincerely hope he won't be mad with Juliette if she doesn't pick Adam in the end.

Anderson: someone should shoot that evil SOB! It's not enough for him to destroy his family he has to go destroy the world too. They should heal him just to shoot him again! And now my blood pressure is up, Great! :P

Castle: has a kind heart and he wants the best for the people he has taken under his wing, but he doesn't turn a blind eye to what's happening to others either. He helps anyone he can however he can and he is willing to give second chances even to his enemy. A man with that kind of heart and values should be a great leader of people, but I have to agree with Warner unfortunately and say that he can never keep everyone happy and that he either has to adapt and learn to set some firm rules and consequences or his people ,while their numbers rise, will stop cooperating and he will lose control of the situation with possibly dire consequences.

And I will stop rumbling now and leave you good people in peace.
I loved this book and it will be suffering waiting sooooooo long for the next book!
2014 is too far away!

Fire Baptized

Fire Baptized - Kenya Wright Not as excited as I hoped to be, but overall the writing was good and the story even if obvious was constructed well. My only problem was that I didn't connect with any of the characters, but that's just me. You might feel different about the whole thing. I liked the ritualistic nature of the murders and the symbolism in the staging.

Bloodlust (Nightshade, Book 2)

Bloodlust - Michelle Rowen 3.5 stars.
Ok so I did enjoy this book a bit more.
I liked Mathias already, but in the first book we only got a glimpse. Now his role was more prominent and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Now, I can't say I was crazy about Declan or that I get how Jillian could fall in love with him so fast especially seeing how he was at first and how little time they spent together. For me he was so-so ,but whatever it was a good book overall and I like the crazy evil twin idea. It reminded me of the movie Prestige for a while there. :)
If there was another book about Mathias I'd probably read it, but I don't think there will be. Too bad if you ask me. :P

Nightshade (Berkley Sensation)

Nightshade - Michelle Rowen I really enjoyed this book!
The flow was good and the plot kept things rolling until the very end.
I've already picked up the next book which might be telling about wether I liked it or not... :P
Not in the mood to write a long review at the moment, maybe I'll come back later, maybe not. Who knows? ;)
Anyway, it's a good book people. Blood, gore and the works. Enjoy! ;D

The Lie

The Lie - Holly Hudspeth 3.5 stars. It would be 4 if the fighting scenes weren't cut off so short.
This was surprisingly good for a first installment.
Very sweet and the characters are utterly lovable!
Aiden is hot, Christian is sweet, Fiona is amazing and I even liked Lucian. :)
Sky was an easy character to read about.
This book made for a good day in.
If there is a second installment I'll probably check it out.

Prophecy Girl (Angel Academy)

Prophecy Girl - Cecily White This wasn't half bad.
When I read that this was another VA knock-off I was hesitant to pick it up, but intrigued nonetheless. It might have been the fact that I was in the mood for something like this, but even though I could see the similarities I didn't mind.
The plot was good. It seemed a little rushed at some points, but the characters were okay and the snark and sarcasm that both main characters used kept me interested for the first half and then I just wanted to see were it went I guess.

For me it was a sweet read. I had a good time reading this and if there is a second installment I 'll probably check it out.

Summer's Crossing (The Iron Fey)

Summer's Crossing - Julie Kagawa I really wish there was a whole book from Puck's pov! :D
It was great to get a glimpse at things through his eyes though and I really enjoyed this short story!
Man, Titania must have been uber-pissed!!!

Walking Disaster: A Novel

Walking Disaster - Jamie McGuire For some inexplicable reason when I saw this among the books coming up this month I picked it up.
I can't say I particularly liked the first book, but surprisingly I think this book is better.
Scenes that from Abby's PoV seemed stretched and borderline abusive, they kind of made sense from Travis's PoV. In the first book after the first half I thought Travis was semi-sociopath and now aside from the excessive drinking and the outbursts of rage once or twice I kind of felt bad for him. I still wouldn't date him, but I am not as creeped out by him as I once was. This time I was less partial to Abby though. I don't think it's normal for one lead to make you dislike the other... Aren't they supposed to make you love them too? Here both times I was not that into the other person and not even the lead sometimes.

Midnight Blue-Light Special: An Incryptid Novel

Midnight Blue-Light Special - Seanan McGuire I loved this series!
I had a blast reading these books and I loved every single one of the characters!
It contains some of the weirdest scenes and creatures I 've ever encountered-and trust me that says a lot- and it has a sense of humor that really worked for me.
I don't have anything substantial to add that I haven't already gashed about in my review of the first book though. Like always HAIL the mice!!! :D

An Iron Fey Valentine

An Iron Fey Valentine - Julie Kagawa It's a very sweet short story.
It will remind you why you love Ash if you have forgotten. :D
Seriously though I had missed those guys so it was great reading even a short about them!